Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Work Space (Part 2)

I finally got the chance to add just enough to my workspace to really make it feel comfortable and reflective. Here's a few shots of its latest incarnations.

Added a quilt for curtains - needed some privacy from that window! - more lights, and random bits on the table.

The general Space. Patrick and I commandeered the corner of the studio (He's got a Renaissance theme to his film, Mine's Gypsy traveler-inspired.)

Patrick rather sneakily snapped this shot while I was sketching my take on one of the characters in his film.

I especially love this space in the evening - the lighting is really comfortable.



  1. Wow! That's beautiful. Is that in senior studio? If so, I'd so want to work in your space. LOL

  2. Yes, it's Senior Studio :D We're having way too much fun setting it up! Can't wait to see you next semester, MelMel!
